The Foundations and Cognition of Human Existence
Ludwig Binswanger
Munich:  Ernst Reinhart Verlag, 1964

Table of Contents
Part One:  Foundations of human existence (Dasein)

(note:  Erkennen = recognize, perceive, discern, realize.  Erkenntnis = perception, realization, cognition.  I will use cognition, but it should be understood as including perception and knowledge.)

Chapter One
The togetherness (Miteinandersein) of me and thee
A.  Loving being-together
We-ness in love

I.  The spatiality of loving togetherness:  Exposition of problems
II.  The temporality of loving togetherness:  Exposition of problems
III. Being-in-the-world as taking-care (Heidegger)
IV.  Being-in-the-world as care: Being-at-home as love

B.  The togetherness of friendship
The we-ness in participation

I.  Dealing-with
II.  Communicating
III.  Taking-part
IV.  From the we-ness of love to the we-ness of sympathy: Sympathy and release
V.  We-ness in love and the idea of mankind

(note:  teilnehmen = participation, lit. taking part; teilen-mit = dealing-with; mitteilen = communication; teilnehmen-an = taking part, role playing; teilnahmen = sympathy, participation, sympathetic participation, bonding)

Chapter Two
The being-with (Mitsein) of one and another
The personality in the sense of social (mitweltichen) interaction
I.  Introduction
II.  Taking-by-something
III.  Physical (umweltlichen) taking-by-something IV.  social taking-by-something
Chapter Three
Being-to-oneself and being-oneself proper

I.  Introduction
II.  The problem of self-love (self-concern)

III.  The discursive being-to-oneself:  The personality in intrapersonal (eigenweltichen) interaction IV. Being-oneself or being-fundamentally (as mine) (note:  Sein zum Grunde, being-fundamentally, literally means being to the ground, the foundation.)

V.  Closing remarks

Second Part
The being of existential cognition (Daseinserkenntnis)
Discourse on Hegel's dialectic unification of love and reason in the movement from cognition to acknowledgement
Chapter One
Overcoming the contradiction between love and caring in existential cognition
I.  Love and existential cognition
II.  Care and existential cognition III.  Existential cognition as overcoming the contradiction between love and caring
Chapter Two
The unfolding of existential cognition
I.  Towards a gnosology of psychological cognition
II.  Meeting and form (Gestalt)
III.  Existential cognition, form, and idea
IV.  The truth of existential cognition V.  The coherence of existential cognition

Translated by C. George Boeree 1998.  All errors mine and mine alone!

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