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Online Course Checklist

Are you faculty teaching a class online? Here is a quick checklist designed to help you get your course off to a good start.

We have developed a checklist that you can follow while you set up your online course. 

It's links to resources.

  2. Copy your previous course if you have one; develop your course if you don't.
    1. Review Online Instruction 100 (OLI-100)  - Of course, if you are teaching online you took some training for online courses.

If you needed a refresher, here is a link to the course.

Accessibility for Online Courses (OLI-200) -  It assists you in making your courses more accessible to those students that have special learning needs. We will teach you the basics of the Universal Design, considerations, and tips and tricks. This is essentially a set of resource materials.  As Faculty you are already enrolled. Just click the link below and log into D2L Brightspace.

To go to the course follow this link.

Copyright for Online Courses (OLI-300) - Copyright laws can be confusing. This course gives you the basics of the laws and tips to know if your material is within copyright laws. As Faculty you are already enrolled. Just click the link below and log into D2L Brightspace.

Follow this link to visit the course.

Copyright Infographic

Below is an infographic that we created to help you navigate copyright law.

Simply answer "yes" or "no" to arrive at an answer as to whether you can use specific content legally.

 Click the image or this link to download the infographic!

Note: This infographic is meant to be a digital solution. It is too large to print.