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Tips for Advising

English Certification, Shippensburg University

  • Some course advice: You need 2 math courses (MAT 102, 170, or 105); You must have an environmental science (BIO 145, 142; GEO 108; ESS 108);
  • Spread out your General Education throughout your 4 years so that you don’t end up with too many literature courses all at one time.
  • Working backwards, student teaching should be the LAST semester of your study at Shippensburg.
  • "Methods" (or EDU 421 and 422, Teaching English I and II) should be taken the semester
    directly preceding student teaching, currently offered only in the fall.
  • You must APPLY for methods early the semester BEFORE you plan to take it, ONE YEAR before student teaching.  Go to the Office of Field Services, Shippen 356.
  • Do not plan to take any courses before noon the semester you take methods.
  • You may take 2-3 other courses the semester you take methods; however, make sure these courses meet at noon or after.
  • Do not plan to WORK or take other classes during student teaching.
  • Be sure to apply for both methods and student teaching (third floor, Shippen Hall) early in the semester before taking methods, one year before student teaching (you can do this at the same time).
  • Your QPA needs to be 3.0 or better to continue with Professional Standing (take methods and go on to student teaching).
  • All PRAXIS tests need to be completed before a student will be allowed to student teach.  The PPST tests should be done before taking methods.  See the third floor of Shippen to pick up a registration bulletin for the PRAXIS tests.

See this guide for a four-year suggested timeline for completing the BA with Certification degree.  (This document is a Word document.)

See main page for other information about observation (Level I) hours, etc. If any of this information is confusing, please contact your advisor, Dr. Stewart, or Dr. Crochunis.