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Faculty Supervisor Requirements

  • Review monthly student intern reports to ensure students perform the duties/responsibilities as stated in employer job descriptions.
  • Review other student documents (see Student Requirements).
  • Schedule a meeting with the work supervisor and the intern near the middle of the internship experience. Meetings should take place in person at the work site. Conference calls may be used in lieu of personal visits if schedules and/or distance make a face-to-face meeting impractical. Additional phone calls with the employer and intern are recommended to supplement on-site visits if necessary.
  • Complete a formal, written midterm evaluation of the intern (the Internship Office will provide a link to the evaluation by email).
  • Submit intern grades to the Registrar's Office at the conclusion of the internship. Grades should be determined based upon the quality of work performed as evaluated by the employer (i.e., as indicated on evaluation form) and the quality of the documents submitted by the student intern as evaluated by the faculty supervisor. A copy of the employer's intern evaluation form will be given to the faculty supervisor upon receipt of the form from the employer.
  • Consult with the director of the Business Internship Program if any problems identified during the internship require immediate resolution.

Guidelines for Faculty Supervisors

Listed below are some guidelines to assist you in your role as a faculty supervisor in the Business Internship Program. Please contact the Internship Director if you have any questions concerning these guidelines or if you have any questions or concerns that arise during the course of supervising your student intern. Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Business Internship Program. May supervision of your student intern be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

A. Satisfactorily perform duties and responsibilities as outlined on the job description submitted by the employer.

B. Read the internship text (InternQube, by Michael True, ISBN: 978-0-615-46453-4) available at the bookstore, which is designed to help prepare students for their internship experience. Submit a 3- to 5- page paper about the book to the faculty supervisor and the Internship Director at no later than 2 weeks after the start of the internship. Consider the following questions when submitting your report:

a. Did you find the text useful overall?
b. What did you learn that you did not know before?
c. What questions do you still have about internships?
d. What change(s) will you incorporate about how you approach this internship after reading the text?

C. Maintain a daily log in which you will briefly describe the tasks and responsibilities completed each day, as well as other work-related experiences. Submit this log to your faculty supervisor if asked.

D. Submit via email a typed summary of your log to your assigned faculty supervisor by the first day of each month during the internship semester. The summary should not exceed two double-spaced, typed pages.
You should consider the following questions as your write each summary throughout your internship. These questions will be discussed with you when your assigned faculty supervisor visits or calls you at your work site. The questions should also be considered in your ongoing dialogue with your employment supervisor.
1. Am I performing those work tasks and responsibilities which were included in my job description?
2. Are my academic, interpersonal, and communication skills adequate for success in this position?
3. To what extent are the above skills being utilized and enhanced by the internship experience?
4. Am I fully utilizing all the resources available on the job?
5. As a result of a daily self-evaluation of my progress, am I establishing new and more appropriate goals for myself?
6. In what specific ways am I growing professionally and personally as a result of the internship experience?
7. How is the internship experience affecting my career plans?

E. Prepare a 3- to 5-page double-spaced, typed report at the conclusion of your internship that summarizes your internship experience. You are required to submit via email a copy of your summary report to you assigned faculty supervisor, your employment supervisor, and to the Assistant Dean during the final week of your internship. The summary report should analyze how the internship met your learning objectives and should include:

• What you have accomplished during your internship
• What you have learned from your internship experience
• How the internship experience will impact your future program of study at Shippensburg University and graduate school, if applicable
• How the internship has influenced your career aspirations

F. Ensure that the employer submits his or her intern evaluation to the Internship Office. There will be the mid-term evaluation and an evaluation at the conclusion of the internship experience.

G. Complete and return the internship evaluation (i.e., your evaluation of the internship) to the Internship Office. A link to the internship evaluation form will be emailed to you at the conclusion of your internship.

H. For letter-graded internships (6 or 9 credit hours) you must do all of the tasks above and also these tasks:

• Prior to beginning your internship, submit to your faculty supervisor a statement of learning goals you expect to achieve during the internship.
• By the last day of the semester, submit a 7- to 10-page double-spaced, typed paper related to your major and career field. The criteria for the paper will be determined by the faculty supervisor.
• Conduct an alumni interview or give a presentation on your internship (9 credit only). Contact the Internship Office if you wish to arrange a presentation.

Faculty Supervisor Responsibilities

A. Review monthly reports submitted by student intern to ensure the student is performing the duties and responsibilities as stated in the employer's job description.

B. Review other documents submitted by the student (see Student Requirements

C. Schedule a meeting at least once during the internship with the work supervisor and the intern. It is suggested that this meeting occur near the middle of the internship experience. The meeting with the work supervisor and intern should be done in person at the work site. Telephone contact with the work supervisor and the intern may be used in lieu of a personal visit when a visit is impractical due to schedules and/or distance. Additional telephone contacts with the employer and the intern are recommended as a supplement to the on-site visit, if deemed necessary.

D. Complete a formal, written midterm evaluation of the intern (a link to that evaluation will be emailed to you by the Internship Office)

E. Submit a grade for the intern to the Registrar's Office at the conclusion of the internship. Grades for fall and spring internships are due at the end of the semester, and grades for summer internships are due at the conclusion of Term V. A “Q” grade should be used in cases where student interns have not completed the internship requirements before grades are due. The student intern's grade should be determined based upon the quality of work performed as evaluated by the employer (i.e., as indicated on evaluation form) and the quality of the documents submitted by the student intern as evaluated by the faculty supervisor. A copy of the employer’s intern evaluation form will be given to the faculty supervisor upon receipt of the form from the employer.

F. Consult with the Assistant Dean if any problems identified during the internship require immediate resolution.

Faculty Supervisor Compensation

A. Compensation for supervising the intern will be processed for distribution upon receipt of the intern's final grade. All payments are made once a year at the end of the summer semester.

B. State cars should be used whenever possible to make the on-site visit(s).

Contact the Business Internship Program @ Contact the Career Center CUB 108, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1595 Fax: 717-477-4066
M-F: 8 am-4:30 pm, Call to schedule an appt.