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Student Research at Shippensburg University

How would you like to connect your academic learning to real-world problems? Do you want to make completely new and original contributions to human knowledge? What if you could do all that while getting a head start on your career?

You can do all of this through research at Shippensburg University.

In our research programs, you’ll be able to work side-by-side with faculty who are making important advancements in their fields. You don’t have to wait until you’re a graduate student to start either - we offer research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Shippensburg University encourages you to dig deep into a subject that interests you. Discover unknown phenomena, develop theories, reinterpret existing knowledge, apply established results to new situations and construct original work that advances human understanding. Ultimately, you can play a part in deepening our comprehension of the world, the universe and ourselves.

If you're interested in conducting research or learning more about the opportunities available at Ship, we encourage you to read on and contact  a faculty member to find out the best place to get started.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to submit applications for independent research to be conducted during the academic year and summer months. This university-wide program has supported laboratory research, field activities, art projects, written works and computer applications, and is funded by the Shippensburg University Foundation.

Learn more about the Undergraduate Research Grant Program.

The Graduate Research Grant Program is designed to provide financial support to graduate students for research or scholarly activities related to their program of study to enable them to better understand the scientific process, experience discovery, develop their analytical and communication skills and gain exposure to national ideas through the presentation of the results of their research at conferences.

Learn more about the Graduate Research Grant Program.

This student research conference traditionally takes place in the spring semester on Tuesday of the penultimate week of classes. Minds@Work offers Ship students the chance to present their research, scholarly and creative works to the campus community and general public. The features an assortment of poster presentations, oral paper presentations, musical performances, art displays, and departmentally organized sessions.

Learn more about Minds@Work.

The purpose of SURE is twofold: to nurture student researchers and to provide faculty members with paid student research assistants during the summer. The program is open to all faculty members and to undergraduate students not in their last semester.

Learn more about the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience.

Contact the Institute for Public Service and Sponsored Programs Old Main 207 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1251 Fax: (717) 477-4053