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Insight Teams

The 4 Insight Teams were tasked with reviewing the previous Strategic Plan as well as the 2018 Visioning Report and generate input used to create the new Values and Strategic Objectives.

Managing the Process

To manage this massive undertaking, the process has been broken up into different areas and timeline tiers. This began with the formation of the Strategic Planning Oversight Committee, which oversees the planning process.


  • This group manages the overall work of the planning process overseeing four distinct working groups. These insight teams are comprised of individuals from many parts of campus which are broken up by the four priorities as founded in the 2018 visioning report.

Four Priorities

  • Each priority became the basis for an Insight Team.  Led by co-chairs also serving on the Oversight Committee, each group benefits from the talents of carefully selected staff, students, and over a dozen faculty.

Below you will find information about the priority and members of that team.

Telling Our Story

The way Shippensburg tells it's story is important. The story telling of who the university is as a whole has changed since the visioning report and the previous work done on the 2016-2021 strategic plan. Since then, areas have increased their story telling through our website, social media and other avenues. It is important that this is also a part of the distilled four priorities into the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan as well.

As the committee continues their work, this page will be continually updated. Please come back soon to check the progress.


Mohammad Rahman
Lorie Davis
Chuck Black
Chase Slenker

Alex Karlheim (LLC)
Maya Mapp (Director of Admissions)
Lori Smith
Kurt Dunkel (Coordinator of Connection AOD Program, Commuter Support Program Assistant Track Coach)
Alexa Matia (PCDE)
Jamie Rhine (Director of Technology Support)
Ken Bach (External Affairs)


[E&HS] Sam Benbow (Social Work) 
[A&S] Matt Ramsey (HCS)  
[A&S] Toru Sato (Psychology)  
[A&S] Claire Jantz (Geo, ESS) 
[E&HS] Joohee Sanders (Exercise Science) 
[UN] Eyoel Delessa (Library/Adjunct Perspective) 

Visioning Team Member

Leanne Piscotty (Coach)  

Community Contribution

The contribution of the Community into the work of the university is imperative. The responsibility to promote continued success and growth of students falls on every member of the Shippensburg Community. Due to this, Community Contribution is needed and expected in the process of creating the University Strategic Plan. 

As the committee continues their work, this page will be continually updated. Please come back soon to check the progress.


Marc Renault
Matthew Steck
Luke Hershey

Alexandra Jones (Community Youth Mobilizer/Social Work Department) 
Victoria Kerr, Career Center 
Ashley Grimm (Assoc AD) 


[E&HS] Cheryl Slattery (Teacher Education)
[A&S] Allen Dietrich-Ward (History)
[BNS] Viet Dao (Accounting)
[BNS] Wendy Becker (Marketing)
[A&S] Carol Wellington (Engineering)
[UN] Kirk Moll (Library)

Visioning Team Member

Holly Garner, Lab School Director 
Tara Zollinger (Coach) 

Student Success

As the work of creating the Strategic Plan, Student Success is integral into everything we do as a University. The work we continue to participate in daily with students for students and their success will be woven into every aspect of this plan. 

As the committee continues their work, this page will be continually updated. Please come back soon to check the progress.


Wendy Kubasko
Brian Lowe

Lance Hines-Butt 
Lucas Everidge 
Skylar Walder 


Kapri Brown (Multicultural Student Affairs)   
Bill Yost 
Alix Rouby (Director of Internships, Career Mentoring) 


[A&S] Laurie Cella (Univ 101) 
[UN] Chad Bennett (chair of the Department of Academic Services) 
[UN] Linwood Vereen 
[BNS] Michael Coolseen 
[UN] Tomoko Grabosky (Counseling) 
[A&S] Luis Melara (Mathematics, Assistant Director Honors College) 

Visioning Team Member
Alison Van Syoc (Coach) 


Quality of the SHIP experience has been integral as one of the four priorities from the 2016 visioning team report. As the Strategic Planning Oversight Committee (SPOC) works, this group evaluates how "Quality" is shown through this document.

As the committee continues their work, this page will be continually updated. Please come back soon to check the progress.


Lynn Baynum
Jose Ricardo
George Mcilwee

Eric Zeglen
Mindy Fawkes
Jennifer Milburn
Robin Dolbin
Trina Snyder
Lorelee Isbell


[A&S] Emily Kramer (Biology)
[A&S] James Hamblin
[E&HS] Matt Fetzer (Criminal Justice)
[UN] Wes Mallicone
[A&S] Alice Armstrong(Engineering)

Visioning Team Member

Dave Osanitch(coach)
Abdulomar Tucker

Contact the Office of the President Shippensburg University 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1301
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.