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Resources for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff members have a considerable amount of positive influence on the student population. We know that alcohol and other drug use and abuse can often lead to negative consequences in the classroom - missing class, late work, failing grades, disrupting class or other's work, etc. As employees of the university, there are several ways to assist students in encouraging them to make healthy decisions.

In the classroom:

  • Make it clear that students' participation in class is important, and that alcohol impairment in the classroom is unacceptable.
  • Announce on- or off-campus events to promote school spirit, community engagement and alternatives to the party/bar scene.
  • Assign group projects. Working in groups is one way for students to build relationships outside the classroom without alcohol.
  • If possible, schedule classes, quizzes and deadlines on Mondays through Fridays. This discourages students from drinking heavily on weekday nights.

Because of your regular contact with students, faculty  are often among the first to notice that a student is having personal problems. While you are not expected to take on the role of counselor, you may be well positioned to connect a student to available help.

Potential Classroom Warning Signs of an Alcohol or Other Drug Problem

  • Smelling of alcohol during the day
  • Appearing under the influence during class.
  • Expressed concern from others because of the usage.
  • Blackouts (loss of memory) from alcohol or drug use.
  • Missed coursework or classes due to alcohol or other drug use.

You can refer students via the Ship portal.

Faculty and Staff Access

  • Faculty Step 1: Go to the myShip Portal
  • Faculty Step 2: Enter your Ship ID and password
  • Faculty Step 3: Go to Faculty Tools, Student Information
  • You will see a link near the top of that list: Student Success Collaborative Campus. Click on the link to access the SSC Campus resources.
Contact the Connection AOD Program 210 Old Main (2nd Floor), 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1164 Fax: 717.477.4007