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This guide will show you how to properly enroll into a Pearson MyLab and Mastering course through your D2L Brightspace course.  Please contact your instructor if you do not see the following links described in the article below.

Intended Audience:  Students

Registration Process for Pearson MyLab and Mastery


1.  Login to D2L navigate to your course.

2.  From the course homepage, click the Pearson link located in the Pearson Mylab and Mastering widget.

3.  This will open a new tab for Pearson.  Click the Open MyLab & Mastering button.

4.  Read the Agreement if you want and then Click I Accept.  

5.  Click Create if you have not yet created your Pearson account.  If you've already created your account then enter your account credentials in the Username / Password field.  When creating a new account, simply follow the on screen prompts to enter the required information.

  • NOTE:  If you've created a Pearson account for either Math or Biology mastery and attempt to use that account to access the other this will not work.  You will need to create another account for the Mastery that you haven't used yet using a separate email address. For example, If I created an account for Pearson Math Mastery using my Shippensburg email but need to access Pearson Biology Mastery for another course, then I will need to create a new account and use another email address.  This is because your accounts for either of these masteries will not work for the other so you need two accounts if you are taking courses which utilize both Pearson Math and Biology Mastery.

6.  Select the option you wish to use to gain access to the textbook.  You can use an access code if you purchased the book already and it came with an access code OR puchase it right from this screen using the two purchasing options.

  1. Access Code:  If you've purchased a physical book that came with an Access code then you would enter that code by clicking this button before preceding.
  2. Use a Credit Card or PayPal:  If you've not yet purchased the book and would like to do so here then choose one of the price points to purchase.

7.  Follow along with each options wizard to enter the required information for registration.  READ NOTE BELOW

NOTE:  When doing the purchasing option, you'll want to ensure that if you need to cancel the registration that you use the Cancel button instead of using the Browser Back, Close or refresh buttons.  Using anything but the Cancel button will result in your account being locked and an error message when attempting to access this screen again for some time.