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This guide will show you how to add quicklinks to your content area.  Quicklinks are direct links that can take students to a specific item in the course such as an Assignment folder, Quiz, Discussion, etc.  They are often used to help guide students through a course by avoiding the confusion some might have when visiting these specific tools and seeing all assignment folders or quizzes in the course.  

For Example, you could create a Week 1 Module in your content area and within that module you could have all content the student needs to interact with during that week including specific quick links to the week 1 quiz.  By doing this you keep the student in the content area as opposed to asking that they navigate away from the content area and try and locate the quiz among all other quizzes in the course. 

Note:  This guide assumes that you have already created your activities you wish to quicklink to.


Intended Audience:  Faculty


Adding Quicklinks to your Content Area


1.  Click Content

2.  Click the appropriate module where you will want the quicklink to be located.  For example, if you expect the students to submit a Week 1 Assignment to you then you would navigate to your week 1 module.

3.  Click Existing Activities

4.  In the dropdown, choose the tool you wish to link to.  In the example we are clicking Assignments but you can select any relevant tool for your purpose.  

5.  Click on the desired item from the available list.  Remember that you need to have created these items already and if you do not see the item you wish to add then you will need to create the item first before it will appear here.

6.  You should now see a link in the module for the selected item.  Links are added to the bottom of the given module so make sure to scroll down and look for the link after any existing content.