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Notifications control how you receive notifications about activity in your courses.  You can receive a periodic summary of activity, or receive instant notifications as things happen.  

How to Access Notifications

1.  Click your name in the top right hand corner no matter where you are in Brightspace.

2.  Click Notifications

Explanation of Notification Items

1.  Contact Methods:  You're Shippensburg email address will automatically be populated here.  The email displayed here is where you will find your Brightspace notifications.  This includes any system notifications sent out or specific notifications that you've setup below.

2.  Mobile Number:  You have the option to add a mobile number where you can receive notifications.  Note that it is recommended that you remove this number upon leaving Shippensburg University so that you do not continue to receive notifications in the future.

3.  Summary of Activity:  Setting this option to Daily will provide you with a daily email that contains a summary of the activity for your classes.

4. Instant Notifications:  These options enable you to configure specific notifications for when various items are created, updated or become available.  Feel free to check the boxes for SMS (text) and/or Email for those that you want notified for and in what manner.

5.  Customize Notifications:  These provide additional settings for you to customize your notifications.  It's recommended that you leave notifications off for past, future, and inactive courses so that your inbox is not flooded with these messages.

6.  Exclude Some Courses:  This enables you to setup exceptions to these notifications.  Here you can exempt any of your courses to the notification settings so that you will not receive notifications for these courses regardless of what settings you have selected above.