The Ungraded items settings enables you to setup how you want ungraded grade items in your gradebook to impact the final calculated grade. You can either set this up so that any ungraded item is thrown out of the grade calculation until a grade is manually entered into it or tell the system to treat all ungraded items as zeros. It is highly recommended to use the former option if you are allowing students to see their final/adjusted final grades from the beginning of the course to avoid students becoming confused when they see a failing grade before any assignment is turned in.
Intended Audience: Faculty
Modifying the Final Grade Released Options
1. Click Grades in the course navbar.
2. Click Settings in the top right of the screen.
3. Click on the Calculations Options tab.
4. Scroll down until you see the Grade Calculations setting. Select either Drop Ungraded items or treat ungraded items as 0.
Drop Ungraded Items: This option will make it so this grade item doesn't impact the final calculated grade and is almost like it isn't there until the instructor manually enters a grade. If this option is selected, the instructor must enter 0s for any student who doesn't complete a graded assignment so that the final grade is updated with it.
Treat ungraded items as 0: This option will enable you to have the system automatically count all ungraded items as 0. This will make it so you don't have to enter manual 0s for students who don't complete activities but will also start your students off with a failing grade if done at the beginning of the course as all assignments, whether they're in the past or future will be counted as a 0.