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There are times when you want the Quiz to display something different than your grade scheme (A, A+, etc).
When a quiz is not associated with a grade item, it will use the default grade scheme for the course.  You will not be able to modify this unless you change the default grade scheme for the course.  To override this setting, you'll need to associate a grade item to the quiz and modify the grade scheme from the grade item properties.  Once modified, the quiz will use the grade item's grade scheme.


  1. Create a grade item for the quiz
  2. Edit the grade item and choose the "Percentage" grade scheme on the properties tab.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Return to the quizzes area and click the quiz you'd like to modify
  5. Click on the Assessment Tab
  6. Click the dropdown under "Grade Item" and choose the Grade item you created.
  7. Under the "Student View Preview", you can see the result that the student will see.  If you'd only like them to see the percent, then you'd need to clicked the down arrow to the right and uncheck "points" while keeping "Grade Scheme Symbol" checked.
  8. Click Save and Close