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Campus Resources

Shippensburg Police Department 

The Office of Inclusion, Belonging, and Social Equity

Title IX Coordinator
Old Main 106-A (Human Resources)
717. 477.1323

Dean of Students Office
Old Main 210
717.477.1164 or

Counseling Center
Wellness Center, Naugle Hall (ground floor)

MultiCultural Student Affairs

Gilbert Hall 100                                                                                                                                                            717.477.1616 or

Off-Campus Resources

YWCA Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Center
Carlisle, PA
717.243.3818 office
1.888.727.2877 or 717.258.4324 (24/7 Hotline)

WIN: Women in Need Franklin and Fulton County
Chambersburg, PA
Franklin Co. Office 717.264.3056 / Fulton Office 717.485.5840
1.800.621.6660 or 717.264.4444 (24/7 Hotline)

PA Coalition Against Rape(various resources, can call the office or hotline to get general questions answered)

Victims Services

Cumberland County Victims Service Information

Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties
1.800.852.2102 (24/7 Hotline)

Resources for Students, Staff, Faculty, & Community Members

The following is a sample of resources and websites that are applicable to individuals interested in medical/legal transition. We are neither able to guarantee that every site is in working order, nor are we responsible for the content/information presented on these pages. If you find any of these links inappropriate or know of pages that should be included place contact the webmaster.

Lambda Legal

National Center for Transgender Equality

Planned Parenthood


Transgender Resource Guide

This list is designed to outline some terms associated with LGBTQIA2S+ culture and identity. This is not a complete list, as language is constantly changing. Please note that individuals may use these terms for various meanings beyond what is provided here.

androgyny/ous - (adjective) a gender expression that has elements of both masculinity and femininity
asexual - (adjective) not having a sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest or desire for sex or sexual partners. Asexuality exists on a spectrum from people who experience no sexual attraction or have any desire for sex to those who experience low levels and only after significant amounts of time, many of these different places on the spectrum have their own identity labels. Another term used within the asexual community is "ace," meaning someone who is asexual.
sex assigned at birth - (noun) refers to the medical assignment of one's sex based, primarily, on genitalia, and sometimes chromosomes and hormones. It is referred to as assigned, because "sex" is a social construction rather than a biological fact. 
biphobia -(noun) a range of negative attitudes (e.g. fear, anger, intolerance, resentment, erasure or discomfort) that one may have/express towards bisexual individuals. Biphobia can come from and be seen within the queer community as well as straight society.
bisexual -(adjective) a person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender.
cisgender - (adjective) a person whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth align (e.g., someone assigned male at birth and identifies as a man is a cisgender man). 
cisnormativity - (noun) the assumption, in individuals or in institutions, that everyone is cisgender, and that cisgender identities are superior to trans identities or people. 
drag king - (noun) someone who performs masculinity theatrically.
drag queen - (noun) someone who performs femininity theatrically.
gay - (adjective) a term used to describe individuals who are primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the same gender. 
gender binary - (noun) the idea that there are only two genders--man/woman--and that a person must be strictly gendered as either/or.
gender expression - (noun) how one expresses their gender identity to others
gender fluid - (adjective) someone whose gender shifts across time and/or space
gender identity - (noun) the internal perception of one's gender, and how they label themselves. 
gender non-conforming (GNC) - (adjective) someone whose gender presentation does not align in a predicted fashion with cisnormative expectations.
genderqueer - (adjective) a gender identity label often used by people who do not identify with the binary of man/woman; or as an umbrella term for many gender non-conforming or non-binary identities (e.g., agender, bigender, genderfluid).
heteronormativity - (noun) the assumption, in individuals or in institutions, that everyone is heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is superior to all other sexualities. This leads to invisibility and stigmatizing of other sexualities. Often included in this concept is a level of gender normativity and gender roles, the assumption that individuals should identify as men and women, and be masculine men and feminine women, and finally that men and women are a complimentary pair.
heterosexism - (noun) behavior that grants preferential treatment to heterosexual people, reinforces the idea that heterosexuality is somehow better or more "right" than queerness, or makes other sexualities invisible.
heterosexual - (adjective) a person primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of another gender. Also known as straight. Generally used by men attracted to women and women attracted to men (regardless of whether they are cisgender/transgender).
homophobia - (noun) an umbrella term for a range of negative attitudes (e.g. fear, anger, intolerance, resentment, erasure, or discomfort) that one may have towards LGBTQIA2S+ individuals. The term can also connote a fear, disgust, or dislike of being perceived as LGBTQIA2S+. 
intersex - (noun) someone whose chromosomes, genitalia, hormones, and/or internal sex organs do not match medical expectations of individuals assigned male or female at birth.
lesbian - (noun) a term generally used to describe women attracted romantically, erotically, and/or emotionally to other women.
pansexual - (adjective) a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions.
polyamory/polyamorous - (noun/adjective) refers to the practice of, desire to, or orientation towards having ethically, honest, consensually non-monogamous relationships (i.e. relationships that may include multiple partners). This may include open relationships, polyfidelity, amongst many other set ups. Some poly(amorous) people have a "primary" relationship(s) and then "secondary" relationship(s) which may indicate different allocations of resources, time or priority.
queer - (adjective) an umbrella term for the LGBTQ+ community.
(adjective) a term used by many for sexual orientation or gender identity, often almost shorthand.
same gender loving (SGL) - (adjective) a term sometimes used by African American/Black individuals to express a non-heterosexual identity.
sexual orientation - (noun) the type of sexual, romantic, emotional/spiritual attraction one feels for others, often labeled based on the gender relationship between the person and the people they are attracted to (often mistakenly referred to as sexual preference)
trans/transgender - (adjective) an individual whose gender(s) does not align with their sex assigned at birth
transphobia - (noun) discrimination against or hatred of trans people, the trans community, or gender ambiguity. Transphobia can be seen within the queer community, as well as in general society.
two-spirit - (noun) an umbrella term sometimes used by Indigenous peoples to recognize individuals who are not solely a man or woman

Outdated Terms to Avoid

Outdated Suggested Terms
Hermaphrodite Intersex
Homosexual Gay/Lesbian
Sexual Preference/Gay Lifestyle Sexual Orientation
Transgendered/A transgender/Tranny Transgender
Sex Change Gender Affirmation Surgery/Transition
Homosexual or Gay Agenda Accurate descriptions of the issues (e.g., “inclusion in existing non-discrimination and hate crimes laws,” “ending the ban on transgender service members”)
Homosexual couple/relationship relationship/couple/partners


Additional Sources

Human Rights Campaign Glossary of Terms

Comprehensive* List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions

Please visit the Pride Center for LGBTQ+ related books & publications!

Our current titles include: Publications 

"Coming out" refers to the process in which an individual begins accepting and/or sharing that they are identifying themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, intersex (LGBTQ+) or other sexual and gender identities. This is a personal process and is different for everyone. People may come out across the lifespan; however, others may choose to never come out at all. Many people find that coming out is a positive experience. However, both positive and negative effects can occur in many aspects of a person's life when coming to terms with their identity. In many ways, a person who identifies as LGBTQ+ will go through many "coming out" experiences throughout their lifetime. 

It should be noted that no one has to "come out." "Coming out" is a particularly white, Western idea surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity.

For those who desire to "come out," doing so may result in some difficult times and processes. Identifying yourself as LGBTQ+ is typically not discussed in society, and there will always be someone out there who does not know how to identify themselves. 

Thinking About "Coming Out"? 

Here is a list of considerations when doing so (According to the American College Health Association):

  • Think about how, when, and where you choose to come out to someone. 
  • As you "come out" to friends and family, people might not all react in the same way. 
  • As you decide whether or not to come out to a larger group (spiritual, social, local), think about the climate and cost. Some organizations as well as regions of the nation are more open than others to people who are LGBTQ+.

Coming Out Resources

Contact the PAGE Center CUB 232 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1291