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Animal Use in Research

Animal Care and Use Procedures  

If your research activity involves the use of animals, specific rules and procedures must be followed and assurances must be indicated in the application.  This requires an additional clearance through the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). If you require the clearance of this committee, contact Dr. Kathryn Potoczak at This clearance must be complete before the application reaches the IPSSP Office.  For information regarding the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, please contact Dr. Potoczak at

 The University IACUC maintains oversight of all animal use in research at the University, and will make available to interested faculty copies of the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. All necessary research oversight committees and policies are in place to assure compliance with program regulations.

Contact the Institute for Public Service & Sponsored Programs

Old Main 207 Phone: 717-477-1251 Fax: (717) 477-4053