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Analyze Your T: Drive

It is important for university employees to keep university-related files on the T: drive, which is secure and backed up nightly. Examine your T: drive files on a routine basis. Keep university-related files needed for your role, and delete those that are not needed. As always, personal files should be saved to another storage solution, such as an external drive or a cloud-based service.


  • University records within the retention window
  • University-related files


  • University records that are beyond the retention window
  • Unneeded files
  • Illegal files* (e.g. Unauthorized copies of copyrighted music or videos)
    • *The university is obligated to turn over files on university computers and backups when requested by law enforcement.


  • Personal files

Windows PC

Display T: Drive space

  1. Click on the Start button, and then on Computer.
  2. Double-click on the T: Drive to show your files.
    T Drive - Windows

  3. Press CTRL+A (hold in CTRL and press the A key) to highlight all items in your T: Drive.
  4. Right-click on any of the files in the list, and click on Properties.
  5. The size of your files will be shown in the Size field. If your T: Drive is large, this number may take a moment to count/update.
    T Drive Size - Windows

Search for Large Files on your T: Drive

  1. With your T: drive open, click in the search field in the upper right of the window.  Type an asterisk (*) to search for all files.
  2. On the menu bar, click on Search options, then on Size. You can filter the search results using either the Huge or Gigantic categories.
  3. T: Drive files within the selected criterial will be shown.
  4. If any of these files can be deleted, right-click on them and choose Delete to remove them. Move personal files to an external hard drive or personal cloud-based storage.

Search for Older Files on your T: Drive

  1. With your T: drive open, click in the search field in the upper right of the window. Type an asterisk (*) to search for all files.
  2. On the menu bar, click on Search options, then on Date modified. Choose an appropriate filter (such as Last Year) to see older files.
  3. T: Drive files within the selected criteria will be shown.
  4. If any of these files can be deleted, right-click on them and choose Delete to remove them. Move personal files to an external hard drive or personal cloud-based storage.


Display T: Drive space

  1. Open the T: Drive (User volume) on your Mac.

    T Drive - Mac

  2. Press Command+A (hold Command and press A) to highlight all files and folders on your T: Drive.
  3. Right-click on any of the files and choose Get Info.
  4. Your T: Drive space will be displayed at the top of the window.  Note that this window may show Calculating Space… while your Mac counts how much space you are using.

    T Drive Size - Mac

Search for Large Files on your T: Drive

  1. Open the T: Drive (User volume) on your Mac.
  2. Press Command + F (hold in Command and press F) to show the search bar.
  3. Click on the first dropdown box that appears and choose File Size from the list.  In the second dropdown, select is greater than.  Then type in 128 and choose the MB dropdown.

    Mac Search - File Size
  4. Files larger than 128 MB will be displayed.  If any of these files can be deleted, right-click on them and choose Delete to remove them. Move personal files to an external hard drive or personal cloud-based storage.

Search for Older Files on your T: Drive

  1. Open the T: Drive (User volume) on your Mac.
  2. Press Command + F (hold in Command and press F) to show the search bar.
  3. Click on the first dropdown box that appears and choose Last modified date from the list.  In the second dropdown, select before. Then select a date from the third dropdown, such as 12/31/2008.

    Mac Search - Date Modified
  4. Files modified before the date you entered will be displayed. If any of these files can be deleted, right-click on them and choose Delete to remove them. Move personal files to an external hard drive or personal cloud-based storage.
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