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Wireless Network Access for Sponsored Guests

Guests Currently Visiting Campus

Guests currently on campus will open up a web browser and will be redirected to a registration page. From there, they will be required to click on the "guest" network access button. After accepting the user agreement and computer/network use policy, the guest will be directed to a page that will have a place for them to log in with a username and password (if they are pre-registered). If the user is not pre-registered, they will need to fill out the form on the right side of the page which will require a sponsor's e-mail address to be entered. Only Faculty or Staff members of Shippensburg University may approve guest network access. The sponsor is responsible for the guest's activity while using the network at Shippensburg University.

Guest Access


Pre-Registering Future Guests

Guests who know ahead of time that they will be visiting Shippensburg University and would like to have guest access to the network may pre-register by visiting the Guest Pre-Registration portal. Once the form is completed, the selected sponsor will receive an e-mail to approve the request. Upon approval, the guest will receive an e-mail in their personal e-mail address (entered in the form) with a username and password to use upon their arrival at Shippensburg University. Each username and password may be used to connect a maximum of two devices. The sponsor is responsible for the guest's activity while using the network at Shippensburg University.

Guest Pre-Registration Portal

Guest Pre-Registration    

All guests are registered for a period of 7 days from the time they first log on to the campus network. If you have a guest who will be visiting campus for a period of time longer than 7 days, please contact the Shippensburg Faculty/Staff Help Desk at 717-477-HELP (x4357) so that their access can be extended.

Contact the Technology Help Desk WALK-IN LOCATION Technology Help Desk: MCT 071 Phone: 717-477-4357 Fax: (717) 477-1427