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Delis with snake

Pablo Delis


Office Location: FSC 335

Phone Number: (717) 477-1092


Personal/Research Webpage:


2001.      Ph. D. Degree (Biology). The University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

(Ph. D. Dissertation:  Hyla gratiosa and H. femoralis [Anura: Hylidae] in West Central Florida: a comparative study of rarity and commonness)

1993.      Masters of Science (Zoology). The University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

(Master’s Thesis: Effects of Urbanization on the Community of Anurans of a Pine Flatwood Habitat in West Central Florida)

1987.      Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science (Zoology). University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain

1986.      Biology Major.  The University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain


Born in Sevilla, Spain, I became interested in zoology (cool creatures!) early on in my childhood as I was moving to Madrid, Toledo, and Murcia.  During my youth, largely in Murcia, I spent most of my weekends and summers hiking with the Boy Scouts of Spain and learning about nature.  At this time, I also joined the environmentalist organization Asociacion de Naturalistas del Sureste and became involved in bird banding, amphibian surveys, and general conservation issues in Murcia and neighboring areas.  While finishing college studies in Sevilla, I was interested in ornithology postgraduate studies on the ecology of wading birds in the Southwest of Spain.  In 1988 however, I moved to the USA where I pursued my graduate degrees and developed my passion for amphibians and reptiles. I spent 12 years in Florida soaking Florida’s amazing biodiversity and, at the same time, saddened by its unbridled agricultural and especially urban growth.  In 2002, I moved to Pennsylvania where I am happily teaching and doing research on species that I love, especially box turtles, and lately Pennsylvania snakes.

Research Interests

I am a vertebrate biologist, interested in ecology, behavior, morphology, and evolution. My research emphasizes amphibians (frogs, toads, and salamanders) and reptiles (mostly turtles and snakes). With the use of comparative approaches, I examine life history as well as ecological interactions that explain the current demographic status of species and communities. My research includes both natural and anthropogenically impacted environments through long-term studies and with a strong conservation focus.

I am establishing a long-term and comparative study to address demographics and conservation of Pennsylvania's Herpetofauna. A major part of this study is being developed at Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, PA. I am interested in life-history traits, behavioral characteristics, phenotypic plasticity, and their implications for the conservation of the species. In my research strategy, I combine traditional herpetological and field ecology techniques, as well as cutting edge remote sensing (GIS) and laboratory techniques such as genetics and molecular biology. I often cooperate with intramural and extramural colleagues interested in similar topics.

I am developing permanent lines of communication and interaction with research institutions in Florida (USA), Andalucia (Spain), and Murcia (Spain). I am committed to the early involvement of students in science through my teaching and my research projects, with the goal of developing their full understanding of the scientific methodology as well as the intricacies of the biological world.

Courses Taught

BIO 577 Ecomorphology

BIO 499 Capstone Seminar

BIO 494 Field Research Techniques (Summer Only)

BIO 491 Natural History of Costa Rica (Special Topic- Summer Only)

BIO 463 Vertebrate Zoology (Not in catalog anymore)

BIO 425 Biota of Florida

BIO 417 Herpetology

BIO 417 Coastal Herpetology (Taught at CBFS - Summer Only)

BIO 363 Vertebrate Zoology

BIO 370 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

BIO 162 Principle of Biology: Organismal Diversity

BIO 145 Environmental Biology

BIO 142 Introduction to Ecology

UNIV 101 First Year Seminar

Selected Publications

Dallas, J, Walter E. Meshaka, Jr. and Pablo R. Delis. 2021. Evidence of Intraguild Predation in a Snake Assemblage: Biggers Seems Better. Northeastern Naturalist 28(3): 248-260.

Meshaka, W. E. Jr, W. S. Humbert, Pablo R. Delis, and Eugene Wingert. 2021. Gonadal Cycles and Growth to Sexual Maturity of the Eastern American Toad, Anaxyrus americanus americanus (Holbrook, 1836) from Pennsylvania. Annals of Carnegie Museum 87(3): 221-234.

Dallas, J, Walter E. Meshaka, Jr. and Pablo R. Delis. 2021. The Natural History of the Black Racer (Coluber constrictor constrictor) in South-Central Pennsylvania. Journal of North America Herpetology 1: 29-35.

McCoy, E. D., Pablo. R. Delis, and H. R. Mushinsky. 2021. The importance of determining species sensitivity to environmental change: a tree frog example. Ecosphere. 12(5):e03526. 10.1002/ecs2.3526

Delis, R. Pablo, Earl D. McCoy, and Henry R. Mushinsky. 2020. Observations of Post-Breeding Migration of Hyla gratiosa (Barking Treefrog) Adults. Herpetological Review, 51(4): 690–694.

Meshaka, W. E. Jr, W. S. Humbert, M. L. Mccallum, and Pablo R. Delis. 2020. Loss of Habitat Leads to Bigger Toads and Bigger Eggs: Natural Area Management Predictions for the Eastern American Toad, Anaxyrus americanus americanus (Holbrook, 1836). Annals of Carnegie Museum 86(1): 77-88.

Delis, R. Pablo, and W. E. Meshaka, Jr. 2019. The herpetofauna of Wallops Island, Accomack County, Virginia: A case study of a vulnerable community. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, 93(2): 132-161.

Hughes, D. F., Pablo R. Delis, and Walter E. Meshaka. 2019. Comparison of body temperatures across physiological states in syntopic snake species (Thamnophis sirtalis and Nerodia sipedon) from Pennsylvania. Northeastern Naturalist 26(4): 749-760.

Hughes, Daniel, F., Pablo R. Delis, and W.E. Meshaka, Jr. 2018. Studies of a snake assemblage from artificial ponds at an active-military site in Pennsylvania. Herpetological Notes, 11: 34-48.

Meshaka, W., E. Wingert, W. Humbert, M. Mccallum, and P. R. Delis. 2017. Gonadal cycles, clutch characteristics, and growth to sexual maturity in the American toad, Anaxyrus americanus (Holbrook), from an agricultural belt in south-central Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 91(2): 84-94

Hughes, Daniel, F., W.E. Meshaka, Jr, and Pablo R. Delis, Accepted for Publication 2017. Reproduction and Growth of the Southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886), in Virginia: Implications for Seasonal Shifts in Response to Global Climate Change. Basic and Applied Herpetology, 31: 17-31.

Meshaka, W.E. Jr., L. Long, A. Tegeler, W.S. Humbert, and Pablo R. Delis. 2016. Reproductive phenophases of the American Toad, (Anaxyrus americanus Holbrook, 1836), in the Ligonier Valley of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 52(1-4): 23-37.

Meshaka, W.E. Jr., E. Wingert, T. Frey, M. Roberts, C. Zwemer, S.R. Bartle, N.A. Davidson, Pablo R. Delis, and G.R. Cline. 2015. Confirmation of species identity, body sizes, and clutch characteristics of the eastern gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor LeConte, 1825) from Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Collinsorum, 4(1): 12-15.

Delis, Pablo R., W.E. Meshaka, Jr, E. Wingert, and S. Bartle 2015. A test of reproductive advantage in two competitive mole salamanders (Caudata: Ambystomatidae) from a single site in south-central Pennsylvania. Basic and Applied Herpetology, 29: 21-31.

Meshaka, W.E. Jr., S.I. Williams, E. Wingert, and Pablo R. Delis. 2015. Adult body sizes and clutch characteristics of the marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum) from Letterkenny Army Depot in south-central Pennsylvania. Collinsorum, 4(3): 10-12.

Meshaka, W.E. Jr., V.R. Rep, Pablo R. Delis, and E. Wingert. 2015. Selected life history traits of the Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802), and the Green Frog, L. clamitans melanota (Latreille, 1801) at a park in south-central Pennsylvania: geographic and interspecific comparisons. Collinsorum, 4(3): 13-18.

Meshaka, Walter E., Jr., Pablo R. Delis, and Katie Walters.2015. Geographic variation in selected life history traits of the Eastern Narrowmouth Toad, Gastrophryne carolinensis (Holbrook, 1836), along the northeastern edge of its geographic range. The Journal of North American Herpetology 2015(1): 1-5.

Meshaka, Walter E. Jr. and Pablo R. Delis. 2014. Snake Assemblage Structures and Seasonal Activity Patterns on a Military Base in South-Central Pennsylvania: Land Management Implications for Snake Conservation.  The Journal of North American Herpetology 2014(1): 7-20. 

Meshaka, E. Walter Jr., Stephanie I. Williams, Sarah R. Bartle, Pablo R. Delis, and Eugene Wingert. 2013. Breeding and Larval Growth of the Marbled Salamander, Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst, 1807), From Two Adjacent Sites in South-Central Pennsylvania. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 49: 22-29.


Graduate Students’ Masters Projects

Grace Cocanower (Starting Fall 2021).  THESIS. Survey of an Agricultural herpetological Community in South Central Pennsylvania: Lessons in Biogeography and Conservation.

Patrick Walker (Starting Spring 2020). THESIS. Morphology, Ecology, and Conservation of the Northern Watersnake [Nerodia sipedon sipedon (Linneaus, 1758)] in South Central Pennsylvania

Emeleigh Luckenbaugh (Starting Fall 2019). THESIS. Morphology, Ecology, and Conservation of the Eastern Milk snake [Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum (Lacépède, 1789)] in South Central Pennsylvania.

Erica Coover. Graduated 2019. THESIS: Amphibian Assemblage and Movements among Riparian Habitats at Letterkenny Army Depot, South Central Pennsylvania.

Vladimir. Rep. Graduated 2019. THESIS: Snake Wetland Colonization in South Central Pennsylvania: Implications for Conservation and Wetland Management.

Shubham Sambhare. Non-Thesis. Graduated 2018. Milksnake Ecology, Wood Frog Reproductive Biology and Conservation.

Stephanie. Williams. Graduated 2017. THESIS: Terrestrial and Larval Ecology of the Marbled Salamander, Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst, 1807), at a Site in South-Central Pennsylvania:  Implications for Conservation.

Jason Dallas. Graduated 2017. THESIS: Ecology of the Northern Black Racer (Coluber constrictor constrictor) in South-Central Pennsylvania.

Safiya Abubakar. Graduating 2017. THESIS: Morphometric, Ecology and Demographics of the Eastern Mud Turtle Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (Lacépède, 1788) in Wallops Island, Virginia: Conservation Concerns in the Light of Global Climate Change.

Julia Russell. Graduating 2017. THESIS: An Examination of the Morphological Variation in the Ringneck Snake, Diadophis punctatus (Linnaeus, 1766), in Pennsylvania.

Ashley Zywusko. Graduated 2016-2017. Non-Thesis. Amphibian Breeding Sites (Vernal Pools): Biotic and Abiotic Characteristics in Letterkenny Army Deport, South-Central Pennsylvania, PA.

Sarah Bartle. Graduated 2016. THESIS: Home Range, Habitat Use, and Movemnd their ent of Female Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) in South-Central Pennsylvania:  Implications for Conservation and Management.

Benjamin Hepler. Graduated 2014. THESIS: Characteristics of Aquatic Turtle Assemblages Colonizing Recently Constructed Artificial Wetlands in South Central Pennsylvania.

Daniel Hughes. Graduated 2013. THESIS: Ophidian Community in Wetlands in Letterkenny Army Deport, South-Central Pennsylvania, PA.

James Anderson. Graduated 2013. Non-Thesis. Ophidian Colonization of a Reclaimed Wetland in South-Central Pennsylvania, PA.

William Humbert. Graduated 2012. THESIS: Morphometrics and Ecology of the Genus Anaxyrus in South Central Pennsylvania.

Patty L. Bower.  2011. Migration Patterns in of Mole Salamanders, Genus Ambystoma, in South Central Pennsylvania, PA. (Unfinished Thesis)

Kristina Tarasan. Graduated 2008.  THESIS: Consequences of habitat anthropogenic disturbance on the distribution, abundance, and live history of the box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) in South Central Pennsylvania.

Katrina Waisanen. Graduated 2007.  Non-Thesis. The effects of microhabitat parameters on natal nest success in the Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) in South Central Pennsylvania.

Lacey Conrad. Graduated 2005. THESIS: Transepidermal Water Loss in Shed skin from Aquatic and Terrestrial Snakes.  Research has been funded by the private company CyberDerm.

Matt Rach. Graduated 2005. THESIS: Thermal Biology of Gravid Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) at Basking Sites in North Central Pennsylvania.  Research has been funded by the state agency, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Sam Pelesky. Graduated 2005. THESIS: The influence of Prey Availability on the Dispersal and Movement Patterns of the Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in North Central Pennsylvania. Research has been funded by the state agency, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Justin Sweitzer. 2004-2005. Effect of agricultural disturbance on the snake community in south central Pennsylvania. (Non-Thesis)

Joel Rapisarda. 2003-2004 Reproductive biology of Blue Bird (Sialis sialis) in logged habitats in Central Pennsylvania. (Non-Thesis)


Undergraduate Student Research Projects

Zada Lynch. (2021) Snake Surveying Techniques in SIMMS Farm, South Central PA.

Kyle Plasterer. (2021) Herpetofauna Study, Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Kaitlyn Hoerner (2021) Vernal Pools Amphibian Communities in South Central PA.

Kristian Broche (2021) Vernal Pools Amphibian Communities in South Central PA.

Zackary Isenhour (2020-2021) Vernal Pools Amphibian Communities in South Central PA.

Emily Ferraro (2020-2021) Herpetofauna Survey Techniques. LEAD, PA

Maria Drake (2020-2021) Automated Anuran Calling Surveys. LEAD. PA

Sara Gherardi (2020) Herpetofauna Survey Techniques. LEAD, PA

Barira Gbaguidi (2019-2020) Streams Water Quality: Salamanders Habitats. LEAD, PA

Maddison Steinberger (2019-2021) Salamander Community in Streams. LEAD, PA

Valerie Trujillo (2018-2019) Automated Anuran Calling Surveys. LEAD. PA

Rachel McCarthy (2017-2018) Anti-predatory Behavior in Common Eastern US Snakes

Emeleigh Luckenbaugh (2016-2018) Garter and Water Snake Ecology in South Central PA

John Lowin (2016-2018) Terrestrial Amphibian Community in Altitudinal Gradient. LEAD. PA

Wes Smith (2015-2016) Urban Snake Community in Shippensburg Campus. SU. PA

Brooke Hall (2015-2016) Urban Snake Community in Shippensburg Campus. SU. PA

Sarah Flick (2015-2016) Terrestrial Amphibian Community in Altitudinal Gradient. LEAD. PA

Erica Coover (2015-2016) Terrestrial Amphibian Community in Altitudinal Gradient. LEAD. PA

Kayla Keller (2015-2016) Herpetofauna Survey of Savage Neck Dunes Park. Northampton Co. VA

Jillian Onyskiw (2014-2016). Automated Anuran Calling Surveys. LEAD. PA

Anna Rickard (2014-2015). Aquatic Turtle Communities in Wetlands. LEAD. PA

Kelly Babashan (2014-2016). Factors Affecting Radio Telemetry of Eastern Box Turtle. LEAD. PA

Joshua Wright (2014-2015). Factors Affecting Radio Telemetry of Eastern Box Turtle. LEAD. PA

Jordan Unger (2014-2015). Factors Affecting Radio Telemetry of Eastern Box Turtle. LEAD. PA

Alyssa Hay (2014-2015). Aquatic Turtle Communities in Wetlands. LEAD. PA

Vladimir Rep (2014-2015). Urban Snake Community in Shippensburg Campus. SU. PA

Heather Winter (2014-2015). Tetrodotoxin Characterization in Red-Spotted Newt, LEAD, PA

Dorissa (2013). Snake Community in Chincoteague Bay Field Station Campus. Accomack Co.VA

Kimberly Kakabar (2013-2014). Urban Snake Community in Shippensburg Campus, PA

Valerie Yohn (2013-2014). Aquatic Turtles in Large Disturbed Lakes. LEAD, PA

Casey O’Donnell. (2012-1014). Automated Anuran Calling Surveys. LEAD. PA

Ryan Klinger (2012). Automated Anuran Calling Surveys. LEAD. PA

Stephanie Williams (2012-2013). Marble Salamander Biology. LEAD. PA

Sarah Bartle (2011-2013). Box Turtle Biology and Marble Salamander Biology. LEAD. PA

Montrell Wilkerson (2011-2013). Urban Snake Community. SU. PA

Alexander F. Delis (2011-2012). Turtle Shell Biomechanics. LEAD. PA

Laurel Campbell (2011-2012). Reproductive Biology of Spring Peeper in South Central PA

Jaclyn Adams (2012). American Toad Automated Anuran Calling Surveys, LEAD PA

Jason Unrath (2011). Tetrodotoxin Characterization in Red-Spotted Newt, LEAD, PA

Sabrina Woodlief (2011). Amphibian and Reptilian Biology. LEAD. PA

Alexander Edward Eckman (2010-2011). Urban Snake Community. SU. PA

Justin Wissler (2010). Reproductive Biology of Spring Peepers. LEAD. PA

Matthew Pauli (2010). Tetrodotoxin Characterization in Red-Spotted Newt. LEAD. PA

Dustin Lowry (2009). Reproductive Biology of the Gray Treefrog in Wallops Island, VA

Bob Koroncai (2009). Fish Diversity and Demographics in Tidal Pools in Wallops Island, VA

Jennifer Patterson (2009). Tetrodotoxin Characterization in Red-Spotted Newt. LEAD, PA

Ryan Helcoski (2008). Snake Community in Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Laura Hock (2008). Tetrodotoxin Characterization in Red-Spotted Newt. LEAD, PA

Eve Freeh (2007). Cataloging Specimens in Shippensburg University Museum of Zoology

Sarah Shimko (2006). Box Turtle Study, Herpetofauna of Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Scott Jones (2006). Box Turtle Study, Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Heather Gawton (2006). Box Turtle Study, Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Allison Ihde (2005). Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences Newsletter, PA

Nicole Waltemire (2005). Box Turtle Study, Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Ellen Laframboise (2003). Herpetofauna Study, Letterkenny Army Depot. LEAD, PA

Contact the Department of Biology

142 Franklin Science Center 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1401