Academic Support
Academic Support Initiatives:
Class Attendance: Class attendance is an important indicator of student success, therefore following up with students regarding their classes and their academic needs is a top priority.
For the first 6 weeks of the semester, the residence life staff work together to check in on students who have missed a class.
Registration: Registration is an important process of the academic experience and aids in a timely graduation. At Shippensburg University, students register for their next semester classes during their selected time period, typically a few weeks before the current semester concludes.
In Housing and Residence Life, we facilitate multiple follow-up initiatives and we coordinate Pre-Registration Workshops to help students prepare for their academic advising appointments. Students: If you have questions about when your residence hall’s pre-registration workshop is – please ask an RA!
Faculty Collaboration:
Faculty House Calls/ Faculty Pet Night: is a long-standing tradition at Shippensburg University. On several nights throughout the semester, faculty will stand in the lobbies of the residence halls handing out treats to residents and will engage in conversations with students about their academic experiences.
Faculty in Residence Mentoring Program: FIR Mentor Program provides the opportunity for faculty and students to work on a more personal level. Faculty will serve as mentors for every floor of the residence halls. Also, Faculty will hold office hours on their mentor floors and will attend evening programs.
Lounge Lectures: is a series of 30-minute lectures that faculty host on topics of their choosing. The lectures can occur in any residence hall and will be advertised in the lobbies of each residence hall.
If you have any questions regarding academic follow-ups and or faculty collaborations, please reach out to Alex Karlheim, Coordinator for Academic Initiatives & Student Success,, 717-477-1919.