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About Us


Instructional Design & Technology is a department within Information Technology at Shippensburg University (physically located in Lehman Library), reporting to the Chief Information Technology Officer. Instructional Design & Technology staff assists instructors by providing information in effective technology practices regarding teaching and learning. We support Shippensburg University's mission of "effective innovative teaching" by collaborating and sharing information with instructors on effective technology practices as well as the role technology plays in teaching and learning and by providing support for instructor-led projects.


The Instructional Design & Technology department envisions an enriched academic environment at Shippensburg University that facilitates and supports effective teaching and professional development, and encourages the integration of instructional technologies.

What is the Instructional Design & Technology Hub?

The Hub in Lehman Library 016 provides faculty with facilities for multimedia production, CD-ROM copying, course development, interactive tutorial development and test authoring for our campus learning management system, D2L Brightspace, and presentation development.

Who can use the Instructional Design & Technology Hub?

The hub is open to faculty for the development of multimedia educational materials in support of faculty projects, grants, or curriculum development. We strongly recommend that you make an appointment to reserve a machine and/or to schedule time with a consultant by emailing us at in advance of your visit. Walk-in service is provided depending on consultant and machine availability.

What does the Instructional Design & Technology Hub have to offer?

Faculty can:

  • Obtain assistance in using equipment in the Hub
  • Edit images and photographs and/or illustrate graphics
  • Create interactive teaching modules
  • Record narration or a screen cast using PowerPoint (narration only), Camtasia or Captivate
  • Borrow and use equipment to create podcasts

What equipment is available in the Lab?

Currently, we have two PC computers and two Mac computers with educational and multimedia software.

We support the following software packages:

  • Adobe
    • Acrobat
    • Captivate
    • Dreamweaver
    • Photoshop
  • Microsoft
    • PowerPoint
    • Word
    • Excel
  • TechSmith
    • Snag-It
    • Camtasia
  • Other
    • Respondus
    • SeaMonkey
    • Skype
    • Audacity

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (formerly CFEST) supports the ongoing development of Shippensburg University faculty as teaching scholars. CETL and the Instructional Design & Technology department share Lehman Library room 016 (Instructional Design & Technologies Hub).

Director: Lynn Baynum

Grove 006The Distance Learning Classrooms can be used for "field trips" to distant locations, guest interviews and conferences without the expense or hassle of traveling. The videoconferencing rooms are located in Grove 006, Shippen 140, and Grove 401.


Grove 006
The Grove 006 classroom is comprised of a Polycom VS-4000 codec with both 3 BRI (ISDN) and IP interface. The system includes: Parkervision Student and Instructor's Cameras with auto-follow on the instructor camera, Sympodium and push-to-talk presets on the student camera. Grove 006 is scheduled by the Media Services Department.

  Grove 006 Manual 

Shippen 140
The Shippen 140 classroom is comprised of a Polycom VSX-8000 codec. The system includes: AMX Master Controller (touch screen), tracking camera w/ wireless microphone, four in-ceiling microphones Smart Cart w/ Sympodium monitor, Dell PC, DVD/VCR deck, document Camera, data projection w/ screen, two 50" Plasma Displays (1 front, 1 rear), MediaSite streaming video recording, and seating for 30. Videoconferencing training is available by appointment. To schedule the Videoconferencing room please contact the College of Education.

  Shippen 140 Manual 

Videoconferencing 1Video Conferencing 2

Grove 401
The Shippen 401 classroom is comprised of a Polycom VSX-8000 codec. The system includes: AMX Master Controller (touch screen), front and back camera, wireless microphone, desktop 7 student click-to-talk microphones, Smart Cart w/ Sympodium monitor, Dell PC, DVD/VCR deck, document Camera, data projection w/ screen, two 50" Plasma Displays (1 front, 1 rear), MediaSite streaming video recording, and seating for approximately 20.To schedule this room, please contact the College of Business. Training is available by appointment.


The ID250 Sympodium displays the desktop image from your computer on its interactive surface. Faculty can write or edit notes over any computer application then save all your work to one file and distribute your notes by print, post your slides in Blackboard or e-mail your students after the session.

  Grove 401 Manual 


Videoconferencing Tips: Texas State Library
Tips for Video conferencing: Emory University