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Brightspace NavBar Changes

This is perhaps the biggest change in the recent D2L Brightspace refresh.  We removed unused links (Locker, Surveys, Checklist) and consolidated student access to tools into the Content area (Quizzes, Discussions, Assignments).  Instructors can still access all tool pages from the Course Admin button on the navbar.

It will add one more click for Faculty, but it will improve the Student experience significantly. 

You can read more about it here

Here's a screencast where Ryan walks you through the new NavBar.


We now use Zoom as our Synchronous Tool. 

Zoom LogoAs of 7/1/18 we will are officially supporting Zoom as our synchronous learning tool. Zoom offers most of the same core features as Collaborate and a few new ones. 

PASSHE selected Zoom for their ease of use and video & audio quality: not to mention their ability to support a variety of devices.

Start Using Zoom Today!

You can start using Zoom in your classes right now. Just head over to Click on "Sign In." It will load the single-sign-on page. Just enter your SU credentials. This will create a Pro account for you. You can read more about Pro accounts here. In order to get the full functionality of a Zoom meeting you will need to download a small app. This app doesn't require admin rights.

Read more about creating and managing your account and working with Rooms here.

Zoom Support

Here is some support material including a getting started guide, links to videos, and links out to Zoom's support pages. 

Here is a Zoom User Training webinar recorded on March 27, 2018 with Katherine Smith, our Zoom rep. This training was open to all PASSHE schools. The agenda included Logging in, scheduling meetings in Outlook, Zoom mobile app, In-Meeting Controls, the basics of the web portal and desktop app. The webinar was broadcast and recorded using Zoom. Of course it's meta to host a webinar about webinar software. The whole thing is 01:14:11 long.