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Sharing Your Work

After you've done your research and produced results, you'll want to share your work with others.  Research is disseminated through conference presentations and journal articles.  There are many journals that accept work by undergraduate students. For advice on writing a research paper, click the Student Resources menu item to the left.

Undergraduate Research Journals

Most undergraduate research journals accept papers within a specific discipline.  For example, you can find journals for undergraduates on

Some journals will accept papers from a wide range of disciplines.

See the Council on Undergraduate Research's list of undergraduate research journals.

Other Opportunities for Publishing

  • Write the Ship - Shippensburg's journal of academic writing, printed annually, sponsored by the English department.
  • The Reflector - The campus undergraduate journal of the arts since 1957.

Undergraduate Research Conferences

Academic conferences are large meetings where professionals gather for 1-3 days and present talks, papers, and posters. As with the journals, academic conferences are usually focused on a specific discipline.  Also, within each discipline, you can find national and regional conferences.  For example, in mathematics, there is a yearly national conference called the Joint Mathematics Meetings that is held in a different city in the U.S. each year.  Also, there is a regional conference called EPaDel (Eastern PA and Delaware) that is held twice each year at locations throughout its region.  Many regional conferences (and some national ones) provide sessions specifically designed for students talks.

As a student, look for the opportunity to present at a regional conference in your discipline.  Talk to your advisor about conference opportunities, and go to the website of your professional organization(s) to see available conferences.

Some conferences are cross-discipline, and are designed for student research presentations.  For example,


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