Reading Placement Survey
You will take the Reading Placement Survey if your high school GPA was 2.5 or lower, if your SAT Verbal score is lower than 450, or if your ACT Reading score is lower than 20. Taking the Reading Placement Survey will determine if you will benefit from taking AEES 120: Academic Literacies for the 21st Century course, which is a general education course and fulfills program requirements in the critical reasoning category.
The survey is taken online and consists of four short reading passages and self-reflection questions to evaluate your prior reading experiences. The assessment will take approximately 30 minutes or less to complete. The link to the survey is found in your admissions status portal.
After completing the survey, you will receive a score and the recommendation for course registration. A score below 61 requires you to complete AEES 120: Academic Literacies for the 21st Century. If your score does not require you to take the course, you are still invited to register for this course as it is open to all students who need credit in the Critical Reasoning category for their general education requirements. In AEES 120, you will develop learning strategies for academic literacies across disciplines and learn how to evaluate research in the discipline of your choice. This course provides active learning opportunities and practical strategies you can use to foster your success in all your courses as well as provide applications for your future career.