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Mediasite Migration to Panopto

Ship's Hosted Video Platform

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As of July 1, 2024, Mediasite is no longer available for new stored video or retrieval of existing video content. Ship has moved to the Panopto hosted video platform.


Why am I seeing this notice?

You likely attempted to access video content on Mediasite, which will no longer be supported as of July 1, 2024. Please ask the owner of your video for an updated content link.


What should I do if I had video content stored in Mediasite?

Some content has been automatically migrated to Panopto. If you are looking for video content that was stored on Mediasite, but have not yet received updated links to the content, please contact:

Media Services
(717) 477-1646


How can I learn more about Panopto?

If you are interested in utilizing Panopto for video storage or live events, please contact Media Services at or (717) 477-1646.


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Contact the Technology Help Desk

WALK-IN LOCATION Technology Help Desk: MCT 071 Phone: 717-477-4357 Fax: (717) 477-1427