Dual Admissions with Community College of Philadelphia
Attention: Please note that advising resources can be found at the bottom of this page
Shippensburg University offers programs for Community College of Philadelphia graduates to complete their bachelor’s degree through a dual admissions agreement.
This agreement ensures that you will be accepted to Shippensburg University after completing an associate degree at Community College of Philadelphia if you meet the following conditions:
- Graduate from Community College of Philadelphia with an associate degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Sign a Letter of Intent before completing 30 credits with Community College of Philadelphia. Students as early as high school seniors can sign a letter of intent.
- Meet all Shippensburg admissions requirements, including application deadlines.
If you qualify for Shippensburg University dual admissions with CCP, the university will:
- Upon graduation from CCP, award you a scholarship based on the following criteria:
- 3.0 - 4.0 GPA = $4,000 ($2,000 per semester)
- 2.5 - 2.99 GPA = $2,000 ($1,000 per semester)
- Scholarships may be renewed each year for up to 4 years for undergraduate study, contingent upon the student remaining in good academic standing with a 2.8 cumulative GPA and must be enrolled full time.
- Provide you with junior level status (in a parallel bachelor's degree program).
- Provide you with transfer advisement as a dual admissions student of Community College of Philadelphia and Shippensburg University.
Steps for Enrollment in Community College of Philadelphia Dual Admissions Program
Discuss your intention to enroll in Shippensburg’s Dual Admission program with your advisor at Community College of Philadelphia and complete Community College of Philadelphia’s online intent form by logging into MyCCP and finding "Transfer/Dual Admissions" on the top right side of the MyGPS tab.
If you have completed fewer than 13 college credits you will also need to send your high school transcripts.
Once you have submitted the intent form, a Shippensburg University representative will be in touch with you via email.
Dual admission agreements are non-binding for students. If you decide not to attend Shippensburg University after signing an intent form, you can cancel your dual admissions agreement by sending written notification to both Shippensburg University and Community College of Philadelphia..
Advising Resources
General Education Course Guide
SU Programs of Study
SU Course Descriptions
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm