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National Council of Teachers of English

Student Affiliate of Shippensburg University (SU-NCTE/SASU)

The Shippensburg NCTE is a great way for any aspiring English educator to get involved on campus and connect with fellow students in the  major. As a member, you will get to participate in discussions and  debates on pertinent matters in the education spheres, be asked to  bring your own ideas and experiences to the group, and be invited to numerous English education events including lesson planning parties. Along with these activities, the Shippensburg NCTE has also sent members to the national  NCTE conferences in years past, which is truly a one-of a-kind experience for any future educator.

Joining NCTE

If you are an English Certification student from freshman to senior, you will need to belong to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and order a journal, English Journal or Voices from the Middle. Either journal is useful and packed with ideas that English teachers use daily. Visit for membership registration, teaching ideas, professional development opportunities, excerpts from publications, news around the country, and curriculum materials.

Visit the SU-NCTE Facebook group.


All secondary education majors must complete the requirements for Professional Standing prior to enrolling in the Teaching English methods courses (EDU 422). The Office of Field Services on the third floor of Shippen Hall keeps students informed of any requirements they have not yet met, but secondary English education advisors can also be consulted about meeting basic skills and field experience requirements.

Each semester, the English department looks for possible Instructional Assistants who will assist our English professors with classes or writing tutors to work in the Dauphin Writing Lab. By all accounts, our Instructional Assistants and Writing Tutors have learned much and are excited by the opportunity to play a professional role. Please note that such an opportunity will absorb part of your needed Field Experience I hours. For more information, immediately contact your advisor.

You need to have your PRAXIS English Language Arts Content Knowledge (5038) test completed before you student teach.

For those who want to teach in Maryland, the state requires all teachers to complete a minimum of 12 credits in reading, and one of those courses must be a Reading for English Language Learners courses.

NCTE Annual Conference

  • This is an annual national convention held by the National Council of Teacher of English. Visit the conference site to get more information and plan to see your professors, cooperating teachers, and fellow students involved in the local affiliate, SU-NCTE, about attending and even presenting your work.

PCTELA Annual Conference

  • This is an annual conference held by the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts. Check out the organization's site for more information and plan to see your professors, cooperating teachers, and fellow students involved in the local affiliate, SU-NCTE, about attending and even presenting your work. Contact Dr. Crochunis if you are interested in attending.

Field Experiences

  • Level I Field Experiences require teaching candidates to observe or assist in secondary-relevant, literacy-related educational settings. (Your classes in the special education and teacher education departments will also require additional hours that will allow you to meet a separate set of Level I requirements by completing course assignments.) You will be assigned to participate in field experiences in your secondary English education classes. See the certification program pages for detailed information on the requirements for these field experiences.

In 2001, the National Council of Teachers of English – Student Affiliation of Shippensburg University became recognized by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) as one of only 19 student affiliations across North America.

The purpose and goals of the organization remain:

  1. To facilitate a community among pre-service and future teachers of English / Language Arts through field trips, service projects, and other community-building activities.
  2. To add opportunities to learn about teaching English/Language Arts beyond required courses. Meetings and seminars also provide a venue to share recommended texts, newly published reports, and web resources.
  3. To increase public relations in the English Certification program, e.g., websites, sponsored events, newsletters, and announcements.
  4. To enhance the ties between students and professional educational community, the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English / Language Arts (PCTELA), and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Constitution of the NCTE Student Affiliate

The name of this organization shall be the National Council of Teachers of English Student Affiliate of the Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.

  • The purposes of this organization shall be:
  • To create a community among future teachers of English and Language Arts.
  • To develop professional attitudes and standards through meetings, discussions, and speakers.
  • To encourage investigation and research.
  • To enhance ties between students and professional education community, the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts (PCTELA), and National Organization of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Membership in this organization shall be open to all Shippensburg University students interested in the teaching of English Education. In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons because of race, creed, color, national origin, disability, age, gender, any consideration based on sexual, associational preference, or any other classification which would deprive the person of membership, programming, facilities, and benefits open to all persons.

Active membership shall be retained by the payment of dues to the organization.

A. Officers - The officers of the organization shall be: President, Vice President, Liaison Secretary, Treasurer, and Liaison Officer. All officers shall be student members of NCTE. The officers shall comprise the Executive Board. The Faculty Advisor shall be a member of NCTE.

B. Tenure - The officers shall be elected during the month of September to serve through the following April. The vote shall be by secret ballot. The officers shall be elected by majority vote.

C. Vacancies/Time - Vacancies in office shall be filled at the meeting next ensuing after a vacancy occurs. Vacancies shall be filled following the same procedure as annual elections.

D. Duties - The duties and powers of the officers and the executive board shall be as follows:

  • President: The president of the organization shall preside over all meetings of the organization; shall see that all records are kept accurately; shall make appointments to any committees or subcommittees; shall perform all duties incident to the office.
  • Vice-President: The vice-president of the organization shall preside over the meetings of the organization in absence of the president, shall plan activities and projects collaboratively with the president and Executive Committee.
  • Secretary: The secretary shall be the official publicity chairperson: shall serve as editor of the organization's newsletter; shall keep records of the organization's meetings; shall perform all duties incident to the office of secretary.
  • Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping an accurate account of the organization's fund; shall plan the organization's yearly budget with the assistance of the Executive Board; shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of Treasurer.
  • Liaison Officer: The Liaison Officer shall conduct all correspondence between this organization and NCTE as well as publicity for the organization.
  • The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall plan the organization's programs in accordance with the purpose of this organization; shall manage the affairs of the organization.

A. Reasons - Impeachment may be justified if the duties and powers of the officers and executive board shall not be as followed or if two meetings are not attended without prior notification.

B. Time Limit - There will be at least seven calendar days between official announcement of impeachment proceedings and the actual voting.

C. Impeachment Process - The officers may be removed from office by resignation, by a three-quarters vote of the Executive Board, or by a three-quarters vote of the membership.

A. Robert's Rules of Order - All meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.

B. Frequency of Meetings - The organization shall meet three times each semester. The times and place for the regular meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

C. Notification - Members will be notified of special meetings at least two weeks in advance through posted announcements.

D. Procedures - All questions before the organization shall be determined by a majority of the members present. All voting shall be done by a show of hands unless a majority of those members present indicate a desire to follow another procedure.

Active membership shall be retained by the payment of dues. Dues shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Upon dissolution state money and mandatory student, fees revert back to the granting organization.

This constitution may be altered or amended by two-thirds total membership.

This constitution shall be ratified at the first regular meeting by a two-thirds majority provided there is a quorum present, and it will be effective upon ratification.

Contact the English Department

Dauphin Humanities Center 128 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1495 Fax: (717) 477-4020