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New Course – Distance Ed

On select "Submit Course Proposal"

On Proposal page select category and status as appropriate. Example:

New course

  The following are the fields that you will fill out on the form.  Since these are existing courses, you will choose the course from a series of pull-down menus.  Part of the information about the course will automatically fill in.


First screen

  1. College
  2. Department (or program if interdisciplinary)
  3. Sponsor
  4. Sponsor Phone
  5. Sponsor email
  6. Proposed Course Title (will be filled in automatically)
  7. Title Abbreviation
  8. Proposed Subject Code
  9. Proposed Course Number
  10. Department Approval Date (if not yet approved, put in the date of an upcoming departmental meeting)
  11. Implementation Term

all Fields are required.  Select Next when complete

Second Screen

Syllabus – attach the syllabus for the new course

Please append a copy of a detailed syllabus showing course objectives, assessment methods, and assignments to this form. The syllabus should provide enough detail so that readers can obtain a reasonable understanding of the course’s workload, topics, and structure. Please note that syllabi for all 400-level courses must clearly differentiate additional requirements and expectations for students planning to register for graduate credit. Note: UCC will not act on proposals (except proposals for existing courses requesting DE delivery status) until the minutes of all appropriate councils documenting approval have been received. If suggestions or recommendations have been made at the council level, a revised proposal must be provided to UCC. If revisions are recommended by UCC, a final copy must be provided to the UCC Chair and Secretary before the proposal will be presented to the Forum.

Distance Education Status:

  1. Proposed Course Length in Weeks
    All online courses should be a MINIMUM of five weeks.
  2. Program in Which Course Will Be Offered
  3. Target Audience
  4. Course Will Be Taught
  5. Brief Description
  6. Justification
    Justification for offering the course as a Distance Education course (Provide documentation for demand for this course to be offered online)
  7. Instructor Information
    Who will teach the course? What experience/training does/do the faculty member(s) have in teaching distance courses with Blackboard?
  8. Student Learning Outcomes
  9. Assessment Methods
    List assessment methods. How do assessment methods link to outcomes?

Course Information & Curriculum Considerations:

  1. Upload a Program Sheet from the Catalog
  2. Upload a Three Year Verification Grid
  3. Proposed Level
  4. Proposed Grading System
  5. Proposed Credits
  6. Proposed Workload Equivalency
  7. Schedule Type
  8. Instruction Method
  9. Co-requisites
  10. Pre-requisites
    Include: Minimum Grade required and Currency
  11. Restrictions
    Notate if the Restriction is Include or Exclude
  12. Equivalent Courses
    Is this course equivalent to an existing course? (i.e.: Will this course fulfill the requirements currently met by an existing course? If a student took this course in place of the existing course, would it be close enough in content that the student could count this new course as retaking that earlier course?). If courses are set up as equivalents, then if a student takes both courses, the student would only earn credit for the new equivalent course. The grade for the course being phased out/renumbered will be replaced based on the university’s repeat/grade replacement policy. If courses are not set up as equivalents, then if a student takes both courses, the student would earn credit for both courses. However, if a student does poorly in the course that is being phased out, s/he would not be able to take advantage of the repeat/grade replacement policy because the old course is no longer offered.
  13. Catalog Course Description
    Include all pre-reqs and co-reqs.
  14. Justification for Proposal
  15. Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment
    A learning outcome is a statement of what a successful learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning. A learning outcome specifies the level of achievement required at the point of assessment in order that a student may pass. A. List the learning outcomes for the course (Outcomes are developed by completing the sentence “Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to…”) B. List the assessment methods and link the methods to the learning outcomes.
  16. General Education Impact
  17. Intended Audience
    For whom is this course intended, e.g., your department majors? Non-majors currently taking your department's courses? Non-majors currently taking courses outside your department?
  18. Degree Credit
    How may the credit be counted in a degree program? How does the course fit into your curriculum?
  19. Impact on Other Academic Units
  20. Estimated Frequency
    How often will this course be offered, e.g., every semester, once per year, once every two years.
  21. Initial Number of Sections
  22. Projected Offerings for Next Five Years
  23. Similar Courses in Other Departments
    Do similar courses exist in other departments? If so, which course(s)? Explain how this course does not duplicate the course in another department. Provide justification that this course is needed and does not conflict with offerings in other departments. What resource impact will this course have on other departments? Provide details regarding impact. (Consult with other departments prior to making the proposal.)
  24. Description
    List all similar courses in other departments and explain possible audience crossover and possible registration competition.
  25. Replace or Overlap Existing Course
    Does this course replace or overlap an existing course? If so, which course and how?
  26. Courses Not Taught
    What course(s) will not be taught as a result of shifting resources to this new course?
  27. Growth Impact
    If you project growth in the offerings, what is the expected impact on other courses, sections, or students?
  28. Methods of Instruction
    What methods of instruction and learning will be used?
  29. Faculty Coverage
    Can this course be taught by several members of the faculty in the department, or is it restricted to a specialist in the field? Indicate likely instructors. (If a specialist is needed to teach this course, please provide the rationale.)
  30. Additional Costs
    What additional costs are anticipated over the next calendar year by instituting this course? (Faculty, supplies, equipment, facilities, e.g.: classroom space, laboratory space, or support personnel.)
  31. Additional Computing Resources Required
    Will this course require any computing resources? (use of a microcomputer laboratory, use of the mainframe computer, additional software or recommendation that students should buy computers and/or software)
  32. Additional Library Resources Required
    What additional library resources will be required? Has the library been consulted to determine the adequacy of library holdings or to estimate the cost to improve these sufficiently?
Contact The University Curriculum Committee Shippensburg University 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257