Psychiatric Services
Dr. Cinda A. Liggon, a consulting psychiatrist is available to see clients of the University Counseling Center (UCC) by appointment only after an initial referral by a counselor on staff. Dr. Liggon is currently scheduled to be at the UCC every Friday and every other Wednesday during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Psychiatric services are available for those clients who may benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and/or medication management in addition to counseling. Clients who wish to maintain psychiatric services are encouraged to convey an accurate medical history and coordinate services with other health professionals with the UCC by signing a Release of Information. Additionally, all clients who are receiving psychiatric services must maintain an ongoing counseling relationship with a member of the counseling staff.
During Summer Terms A & B, if a client is not enrolled in a class, they are expected to resume psychiatric services in their hometown, or contact their family doctor for information regarding medications. UCC counselors will provide assistance in finding appropriate psychiatric services during summer sessions and school breaks upon request. Psychiatric services are not available during breaks (i.e., Spring Break, Fall Break, and Winter Break).
For questions regarding psychiatric services, please call the University Counseling Center at 717-477-1481.
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:00pm, For After-Hours Emergencies call Campus Police at 717-477-1444